
214: Hot Damn!

I am sure you have seen this video already, but what about the one above? I never wake up in the middle of the night thinking that I am the first one to have found a video on the internet. However, I had a completely different sentence queued up for a completely separate video and then I found the Merkin one. Pangs of jealousy sweep over me when I watch these guys shred. But the best part is, that I found the above video as I was writing this and it made me forget about the jealousy and just be happy. And then it made me happier when I saw the Embrocation Tshirt in there. Hot damn! It was like Christmas happy (not mine, yours, I make sure that my Christmas' are painfully unhappy as to balance out the world for you.)

I knew I should have ridden more dirt drop in high school instead of the local root strew cow paths that Southwestern Wisco had to offer. Dammit!

Ok, here is a another video and then we're moving on...

Carey SH pointed this one out to me when I was doing a write up on the Gucci-like SRAM Force (what would Red be? D&G?) that we are putting on our Conti bikes. The short little piece shot and edited by Dave Christenson is pretty amazing, but then again, for those of you who know Chad, well, he's pretty amazing.

What Else?

What's New BQ had another interesting one today with his post "Surrogate Belgium." I like it when he says "Sneer as they may, I know I could drop every last one of those fuckers (who doesn't have the same thought?)" Are you with me Surrogate Cyclists? We can do this! Overthrow these....these... fuckers....these who call themselves the modern day bastions of cycling. (insert giggle — you were giggling when you wrote that right BQ?)

Now, I can take a practical joke just like the rest of you, and I certainly have the loveliest of lovely relationships with our voluptuous (purposeful insertion) vixen Hyperbole, so if the joke is on me, well then so be it. But really? Every last one of those fuckers? (Wait, am I one of those "Fuckers"??) Now, I have ridden many a times with my good pal Ben Lieberson (who, coincidentally is all over the new catalog) and I would bet nearly anything that you, BQ, would not be able to drop my pal Ben*.

You know why? Because he has nothing to lose for one. And two he really, really, really likes riding his bikes. And last because he's the fastest "fucker" on a bike that I have ever met. Ok, well, I met Lance Armstrong once, but still, you get my hyperbolic reaction here right?

God, this almost feels like one of those old timey Duel things. If only I had a Leather Town Glove within reach I would strike you across the face, bite my thumb at you, and then politely advise you to attend our next Gentleman's Race. Sigh. But I know you would never show.

Or would you?

What Else? Part Two: More Real Humor Please

Did I mention that my favorite cycling blog as of late is Cycling Inquisition? Holy Shite this guy is pretty much spot on when it comes to his cycling humor. Please, is it too good to be true? Or is it too true to never stop being awesome? And regarding this statement "As a trailblazing blogger, trendsetting cyclist, and above average Pictionary player I know the realities of being ahead of the curve." Mr. Inquisition you had me at "Trailblazing."

*or Steve, Dan, Piers, PVB, Peter, Sam, Ryan, Bravo and the rest of the Conti Crew (but I really do not know about that long haired guy in the rest of the photos, I think he's from Norway)