230: Two Point Five
I read on the Velocepede Salon that someone was looking for Volumes 1 and 2 of Embrocation the other day. That made me smile, for a moment, but then it made me cringe in horror as to what they might think when they saw them. The really fun one was the next person to respond that he even had Volume 2.5 and that it was a "smaller supplement that was issued because there was so much time between 2 & 3. " Anyway, here is the post if you want to see it (or have some early Embrocations that you want to give to the person in want.)
It made me think about that issue, 2.5. And that it did come out for just those reasons. I wanted to make something quick and dirty and get it out fast. All the content was there at that point, but it still needed to happen. I think it might have been our man Gustavo (whom you will see more of later this week) who really put it to us to do this "supplement" - what a great word. The whole of the 250 issues that were printed fit into my backpack - almost- I had to carry one box. But, it really does not matter at that point, when you are riding that one home. Weight, it really is not on your back, or shoulders at that point.
There are a few original pieces in that little guy though, and when I opened it up, there were more than I remembered. What did I remember about the whole situation was this: I needed to get an issue done, something - anything before I went over to Belgium to hang out with Molly and see the racing scene there. I knew that trip would spawn, or spurn, or spurt a whole mess of new content and if I did not get this stuff out (to keep going) that would not be good - all these stories piling up on top of one another.
But it was also an exercise in getting something done. In film school my friend Alex had this quote, and he used it all the time, with whatever he was working on. It went something like this:
No matter what you are working on, if you see the project through to its completion, whatever that is, it cannot be a failure. I'm paraphrasing it, or at least getting the wording wrong, but it really has been one of these monikers that sticks by. When you get to that point where you struggle with something, throw your hands up and go "Why the fuck am I doing this anyway." That is when I remember Alex. (He now makes actual films - about Uganda - in Uganda).
Jesse Lalonde did the above piece. It is about him breaking his shoulder over a barrier in Wisconsin. He does all the rad rad design coming out of the Trek world these days (that might be a bit of hyperbole as I do not know that for certain.) However, I do think that he did all the new Gary Fischer stuff. That is a good thing. He did the Lucador Shirt for us. Could possibly be my favorite Embrocation Shirt we have produced over the years.
This one got me in trouble. Not because I used the quote, but because it got misconstrued somehow. I wrote it down one night when we were talking late and drunken one night. Everyone was still basking in that post race glow that is easily enhanced by a few alcoholic beverages. The tongue was a little loose on just how awesome racing cyclocross is and Megan cut in with one of her usual hilarious and awesomely biting soundbites.
There was this. Words To Live By by Chris DiStefano. You could put together a whole book just based around the serious wisdom of this man. Someday (when he stops saying "you cannot print what I just said.") I'll compile that book. Until then, you are left with this. And since we are talking about CD, we might as well transition right into ZD. Zac put together this little start list that I am hoping is going to be used with the entirety of the MFG Cyclocross Series this year. Especially the "Vanilla Ice T-Shirt" Category.
Ok, two more and I promise I will stop boring you with these things. The first one (below) is a photo of the always beautiful Queen of New England Cyclocross (just made that up) Maureen Bruno Roy. I think I took this one at Gloucester a couple years ago and it is a great photo because she is beautiful. But wait! There is more. Check out Richard Sachs' brooding look to the far right - Awesome! Then, to really capitalize on not only the New England Scene, but also the three full on Cross Era's that are represented there is one of the Keough's (Jake?) in the far left - presumably waiting to crush some unsuspecting Junior. Also, how did I not know that Mo was putting recipes out into the world?
Ok, almost done. The one that first popped into my head was this one. Mark McCormack and I were talking about it on the B2B ride a couple weeks ago. He had/has been writing some Training Tips and tricks for people getting ready for the B2B. Awesome event by the way. But Mark did this little piece for me about riding Sand. Which in terms of layout and everything turned out to be one of pieces that I have done over the years (years?)...
The little book was just an experiment. It was half the size of Embrocation and the print quality was not nearly as nice(honestly, I think Comp Cyclist was a little bummed.) But, on the other hand it fits neatly into a jersey pocket and has a few snapshots that were not included elsewhere. So, if you have one that is pretty great because the one above is the only one that I've got.