
Is This Thing On?

"Delaware are you aware of the air supply?"

This past weekend the crew gathered up all of our stuff. 17 sets of wheels, 3 cars, 10 people, 47 sandwiches and our good friend Chris Igleheart and headed down to the Mid Atlantic for our first foray into their race scene this year.

I'm personally biased about going to the Granogue/Wissahickon weekend down there. I'd even go so far as to say this tops Gloucester for me. The scene is propelled by the DCCoD (Delaware Cross Coalition of Delaware) and namely Fat Marc. I absolutely love racing with this guy. He's a competitor and advocate to the sport in the truest sense.

There was also a particular fun cast of dudes down in Philly that we got to spend the weekend with. You can see our man Stinkin' Rich Bravo about holding up his IF ticket. Sorry Rich, they did the drawing last night. You didn't win. I hate for you to find out this way, but you'll live. Dan Action provide us a place to "paper a nest" for the night, but before we did that we got to scope out the Philly nightlife scene. I have to say...even if I misspelled Philadelphia in Volume 2 I still love that place.