
133: Cog #7.

Just saw the cover of the new COG magazine. Looks like someone we know? Maybe It is Pete Rubi from the Embrocation Cycling Journal Cyclocross Team? Whew, that's a mouthful. Nice Job Rubi. Keeping up the art tip. Good guys that Cog.

This is what he looks like when he is racing. Which is fierce. Milliman took this at Providence (check his blog, he's been updating with some frequency and they are looking good) , or maybe it is from Gloucester? Not sure, either way, it looks good. Shiny. Some day we will get him in those fresh new Socks that everyone is talking about as well.

Slate commissioned Peter earlier this summer for a T-shirt of our good friend CD. I think it looks just like him. This is something that he says about himself, and while I do not agree with it, I certainly do not argue with him. Look at that guy, would you argue with him? I think not.

His son Andrew helped me pick out some art at the Oregon Manifest Art Crank auction a couple weeks ago. We documented it on Twitter.